U.S. elections… and your life choices – What do they have to do with your true transformation and personal development?
Political decisions? Sure, they matter, but surely more than how you treat your own choices about personal development or overcoming difficulties? While the big world of politics is alive with choices, we in the everyday world often don’t realize that we face similar challenges every day – except that we decide the fate of our own lives. Fully informed choices and life decisions are the easiest path to your transformation and personal growth. However, there is one but here … it is definitely simpler to choose whether to eat toast with jam or with cheese. It is simpler with that toast in hand to watch the election results on TV and analyze how they will affect our lives.
Just what do you usually do with your own decisions about personal development? We often say to ourselves, “I have time, I’ll think about it some more, Not now.” We put off our plans, waiting until I have more time, more money, more energy – for the perfect moment that never comes. The most important thing is to explain well to others and ourselves the reason for delaying everything for someday. We keep an eye on how important decisions are made by others, while we ourselves ignore those that could bring something really valuable to our lives – help us overcome difficulties, bring us closer to personal development or finding our true life purpose.
The campaign is over – it’s time for action and your real life transformation!
With elections, you get the sense that your vote matters. But what about “voting” on your own development? Because the decision to change your life and break down barriers is up to you, so the key question is: will you vote for your own life now? Personal development is not an add-on – it is the foundation of a conscious life.
Autumn head cleaning – Clearing toxic thoughts and habits
Just as you’re doing an autumn cleanup at home, it’s worth doing the same with your thoughts and emotions. Each of us has mental “appendages” that take up space and energy. Ask yourself questions:
- Do I carry outdated beliefs that block me?
- Am I clinging to bad habits that prevent my development?
Personal growth starts with getting rid of that ballast – mental “appendages,” which only take up space in your head. Autumn is the perfect time for you to do a general cleaning. Most often, we only clean out our closets and around the house. I suggest that first of all you clean up your inner space. Think how much you can gain by freeing yourself from outdated thoughts and beliefs.
A look at your life “election program” – The path to personal growth
I would like to remind you – only and only It is your life choices and decisions that are the path to lasting transformation and personal development. Your plan for life is like an election campaign – you need to know what you want to achieve and what steps will get you there. Remember that life is about daily choices, and every day without action is a lost day. Is your goal fuzzy or do you see no chance of achieving it? Then now is the perfect time for you to update. Unless you’d rather wait for it to happen on its own.
Do you know your values?
Do you know what you’re driving at?
Seriously! Really your only value is security?
…Or is there something more? It is important that you identify what is most important to you, and act accordingly. We choose what is in line with them consciously subconsciously. Together we can get to the values behind your decisions. This is an excellent way to build proficiency. As you get to know yourself, you give yourself many more options to choose from. The space of options becomes really rich. The unknown becomes known.
Your resources – are you using them to their full potential?
With the moment we come into the world, our first breath, life throws us challenges. It doesn’t matter what family we were born into, we simply have a huge inner potential within us. I regard the mental blockages we encounter as often under-exploited sources of energy. Think of it as compost, we get it for free. You choose what to do with it. Do you want to nourish and accelerate your own growth? It’s time to make use of it and allow yourself full personal growth.
Take care of your future and choose conscious personal development
Don’t wait for a miracle. Choose yourself, your values and actions to achieve true personal transformation. Take fully conscious steps toward change – from simply cleaning up your head to consciously building your “election program” for life. What you do today determines your future. Autumn cleanup is an ideal opportunity, to clear your mental and energetic space. Why should you start right now ? Change requires sustained commitment and your participation, like in an election!
Need support in getting rid of the blockages that keep you stuck? Great, you can approach this in many ways. The market is abundant, the key is one thing – just start doing it, start taking action, whether alone or with support. As one of the solutions, I suggest transformational coaching. No, this is not talking about the past or dreams. Here is not the place for a meeting you probably happened to see in TV series …. With a psychoanalyst, therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist. I use specific techniques to help you make changes in your life – from professional to personal issues. You choose which aspect of your life you want to take to the next level and you do that with my support.
Make a decision now
The time for change was not yesterday and is not tomorrow. That time is right now. Make an appointment for a trial session, see how I can help you break through barriers and reach your full potential. Click below, select an appointment, take the opportunity to learn more!
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