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01 August 2024

Planning, commitment and acting under pressure

📸 This past weekend the Polish Mountain Car Championships took place on Sopot Street connecting Sopot and Gdynia. I try to visit this event regularly every year at least for a while. Why?

For the unique atmosphere, the combination of family picnic and professional sport, the meeting of rookies and professionals. The vapors of racing fuel floating in the air, and with it the myriad emotions of the drivers, their teams, fans and all the event staff. In everyone you can see the commitment, the focus, the anticipation. That’s where Flow is in full form.

Every race, every round, every second on the course is the result of thoughtful planning and the involvement of entire teams, entire families, people who know each other as well as those who are strangers to each other.

🔧 Planning

It’s not just race day strategy. It’s sometimes thousands of hours spent in preparation, testing and analysis. It’s knowledge, experience and anticipation of possible scenarios. In planning, the most important thing is the goal, the goal is to participate in the race, to score points, sometimes to gain experience for later.

🔥 Engagement

It’s passion that drives every step. It’s determination and willingness to make sacrifices. It’s teamwork and mutual support. Sometimes, that team is family and friends, and there are not enough funds to prepare an older car.

⏱️ Operating under pressure

It’s the ability to make quick decisions, adapt to changing conditions, and keep your cool even in the most stressful moments. It’s what you see when the car flashes through the corners, what you see when it slips, sometimes hits something, what you see when the driver reacts, how the race staff reacts. This is what you see when you visit the service area. There, every bolt and nut is always in place. Everything seems to be rehearsed and prepared in advance.

🏎️ Racing car

It is properly prepared, has a revised engine, transmission, different suspension, tires, and is stripped of unnecessary ballast. Here everything has been done to facilitate higher speeds, more efficient cornering and better braking.

🚗 Do you take care of your car, and how do you take care of yourself?

I see the whole process of preparing for and competing in races as a very apt metaphor for life.

Throughout our existence, everything that happens to us we meticulously pack into our life backpack – “It will come in handy someday” In the beginning, we learn millions of things very intensively, gaining degrees of initiation. From walking, to driving a car. From crying when we are hungry to negotiating a better salary. Every person we meet, every interaction with the world leaves its mark,

All the time we are gaining new skills, new knowledge, using it and checking the results of our actions, learning lessons, making changes and starting another day wiser.

Over time, however, we find that we have accumulated a huge amount of ballast in our lives. One that both makes it difficult for us to move on and to stop when the situation demands it.

This ballast is our habits, assumptions, beliefs, fears. Everything that is assumed to give a sense of security and comfort, at the same time is the cause of limitations and difficulties in life.

And what ballast do YOU want to release in order to be ready for another day? A week? A month? A year? For a lifetime? 🚀

Each of us has our races to win, our goals to achieve. Prepare for your start like a true champion!

Make an appointment where I will show you what we can improve and how. You will decide whether you want to roll through life with a full trunk, or maybe not after all.